
Absolutely perfect for listening to your iPod, and playing sand volleyball. Tip: To get Audrinas gorgeous locks, spray a salt spray ( I suggest Sunsilk Waves of Envy, $4)and scrunch. You'll get effortless beach waves.
Swimsuit: Amazon
Shorts: Hollister
Sandals: Abercrombie
Sunglasses: Dior, Target has similiar ones as well!
Kate Beckinsdale:

Perfect for walking around with your daughter, or hanging out while your nannying. Maybe just switch the heels for sandals, or better yet, barefoot.
Dress: Net-a-Porter
Heels: Topshop
Sunglasses: Instyle - Wetseal
Kate Bosworth:

I love this. She just got out of the water, and the swim suit looks awesome on her! Perfect for her small frame. And may I say, her abs are insane!
Swimsuit: Net-a-Porter, Gap or Target
That's all for now! Please comment :]
Stay stylish,
the 'person' is Kate Beckinsdale. I love her white dress with the red sunnies.
Ah, Thank you!
How adorable! I love Audrina's look! I can't wait for those shorts to go on sale.
Gah, me too. I've fallen in love with Hollisters bottoms :]
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